Cheryl Enever Feldenkrais

I combine a career in music as a freelance opera singer with teaching Feldenkrais and am based in London and Budleigh Salterton, Devon. I have found that my two careers work extremely harmoniously together! I completed the 4 year London Feldenkrais Training in August 2024 and continue learning through advanced training courses. I am a member of the Feldenkrais Guild UK.

What is Feldenkrais?

F-what???!” The word that is even more difficult to explain than it is to remember! In part, I think this is because it can be so many things and what it can offer to each person is as individual as they are. By trying to define it in simple terms almost lessens its potential to bring about any number of changes to the way we move, function and think. I will, however give it a go!!Feldenkrais focuses on gentle, mindful movement and directed attention which allows you to discover new possibilities for movement and cultivate a sense of groundedness and flexibility in both mind and body. It is a somatic method of learning through movement which increases self awareness of physical patterns and habits in a non-judgemental way.There are two ways in which Feldenkrais is taught: Group classes (Awareness through Movement or ATM) and 1-2-1 lessons (Functional Integration or FI).The main difference between these two ways of learning is that the group ATM lessons encourage and teach you to increase your own self awareness with verbal questions, description, and cues, whereas the individual FI lessons help you to learn with touch and suggestion through the hands of the practitioner.Working with both types of lesson can be enormously beneficial and both types are practical and accessible to people of all ages and a wide range of abilities.

Group sessions
Awareness Through Movement®

Lessons mainly take place lying on the floor and sometimes sitting or standing. They are suitable for people of many ages and abilities.The teacher guides you to settle in. They talk you through a sequence of movements that works like a physical riddle. Each new movement is repeated and explored. As you become familiar with it, you can start to play with unaccustomed movement relationships.Gently, at your own rate and with curiosity, you explore the world of your internal sensation. You learn to use this awareness to release chronic patterns of tension and create new movement possibilities.

Individual sessions
Functional Integration®

Individual sessions take place in comfortable, everyday clothes sitting or lying on a wide, low, padded table.Using their hands, a teacher will gently guide you through a range of safe, easy movement explorations, designed to bring awareness to parts of yourself that you may not tend to move much. This will encourage you to explore new ways of moving and organising your whole system (mind, brain, muscles and skeleton).As you sense the new movement patterns, you find your movement options expanded. Many people also find that their thinking and feeling acquires new ease, at the same time as their body.

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